Archive | December 2015

Posts popping up all over the place like cheap condos

In this case, quite literally.

I managed to do a lot of work in hammering out another WIP that has been languishing unfinished for quite some time, another on my sci fi urban buildings.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP.

Like the others, it is a simple box shape with art-deco inspired shapes to break the profile and dood-dads attached to make it look more lived in.

A lot of fiddly measuring at reattaching things today.  I really dislike doing guardrails at this point.  I did have some sort of plan originally for something like a wrap-around railing for the section that now shows a planter.  After my first batch with railing measurements not quite lining up, I scrapped it and did a planter instead.  Once I have put on the plaster cladding, and painted it, I will put in some ballast and flock to show that really terrible flower bed so common in bad neighborhoods.  My plan is to have nothing but sand, rocks, and weeds in it to show the complete disregard the owners have for it.  This patio will have some benches added, just to break up the open space.  It will give some opportunities for cover in some sort of game in the future too I am sure.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP.  Joliee, female scribe by Reaper Miniatures.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP. Joliee, female scribe by Reaper Miniatures.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP.  Joliee, female scribe by Reaper Miniatures.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP. Joliee, female scribe by Reaper Miniatures.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP.  Joliee, female scribe by Reaper Miniatures.

Sci Fi urban terrain WIP. Joliee, female scribe by Reaper Miniatures.

I went a bit over the top on the pipes for this one.  Maybe it means they paid more to have more utilities.  Who knows.  The next piece started (but not much started) is a 3 storey apartment complex.  It will have external stairs and an enclosed entrance on the second floor for cool fire-fight type stuff.  It is also a lot more complex and I am not sure where my sketches and measurements sheet went to…something essential to actually finish it.

The plan for tomorrow (if things work out) is to apply the plaster cladding to the outside (which means waiting a while to let it properly cure before the first coat of paint).

To show off scale, I pulled out the model that has become my scale model, Jolie.  Although, in this setting she looks more science fantasy and maybe like an extra in Star Wars.  And she seems to be either looking in her book like a tourist, or lost in study as she walks around the very drab building.  Good choice guess.

Anyways, hopefully this post was inspirational, at least to dust off an old project to finish it.

Scarecrow Confederate

Today I had a bit of free time so I threw together this little guy here.

Gauntfield by Reaper Miniatures

Gauntfield by Reaper Miniatures

Nothing too fancy, just mixed shades for the blue pants and brown cloak with a few lighter shades for the sack, hat, and boots.  The scythe blade is the first weapon I have painted with non-metallic in a while and I may go back and highlight it a bit more to actually try doing a proper non-metal metal effect on it.  Naturally he hasn’t received the basing treatment yet, I have a few who need some putty thrown around, that will likely be a project for another day.

Gauntfield by Reaper Miniatures

Gauntfield by Reaper Miniatures

Gauntfield by Reaper Miniatures

Gauntfield by Reaper Miniatures

As I painted him up, I wasn’t sure how I wanted to use him.  He is obviously a good stand in for a Pathfinder villain in a published scenario I played, but I wanted to make him something different in Dungeon Down.  So I figured he would have a scaring attack (I know so creative).

But, as I worked on the figure, I wondered, why exactly does he carry that sack.  Is he Jack Skellington carrying his bag of tricks and treats for Christmas Eve?jackskellington

Gauntfield by Reaper Miniatures

Gauntfield by Reaper Miniatures

The hat band screamed yellow to me, so I painted his hat very much like a rebel cavalryman…although I would not want to see the horse he rides in on.  Fast forward a few stages of my rambling mind and I decided he would be a more positive piece of Americana…Johnny Appleseed.  But instead of sowing apples wherever he goes, I see him planting skeletons.

So a new creature is born for my game, a monster who spreads skeletons around.  This guy will be quite the tough nut to crack I am sure, so I look forward to playing him in a few games.

Another short post, maybe my previous guess of none before the new year was a bit off.  Hopefully this was inspirational for you, even if short.

WIP it Good

Or for those who like words spelt right: Whip it Good.  I have had very little hobby time since my last update, but I feel that time has been fairly productive.  In addition to progress on the stair room featured in the last update, I have a couple more projects on the go.

Vanja Fire Giant Queen by Reaper Miniatures

Vanja Fire Giant Queen by Reaper Miniatures

First we have Vanja at the 99%.  Since taking this pic I have added highlights to her hair and I will obviously finish her base.  Only a tabletop level right now, I still have the option to make her better with corrections to my errors.  For now, this girl can proudly shake off the kiss of death of being featured in an earlier WIP.

I went with metallic paint for the jewelry with very crude light source added to the jewels.  A simple but effective paint scheme.  I notice other people have done her with a bare midriff but I think the layered armour look is better.  At about 18′ maybe she could get away with the chainmail bikini but I would rather she wore proper armour.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

A couple new dungeon sections have been started.  In fact I have finished one (barring paint of course).  The two-level storeroom pictured helped me realize something about my molds.  There are 1″x1″ floor tiles and 1″x1/2″ floor tiles.  Or so I thought.  When I did the previous stair room I noticed that one of my walls didn’t line up properly and my bricks had gaps.  I just chalked it up to my skill fade and sloppy work.  It wasn’t until I did this piece I realized that the half-wide pieces are in fact about 1/32″ longer than an inch.  this means using them as floor tiles will have an uneven length.  So this wall has a few weird gaps in the walls I have had to deal with and it isn’t 100% squared off wall to corner.  Oh well, live and learn.  I think this piece will look good enough.  More importantly, it give me another multi-level piece.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon.

I have been wanting to play around with levels and adding a vertical dimension to my games of Dungeon Down.  It isn’t to say it changes much, just gives some visual variety and cool changes.  The changes in level do give some more options.  I am also thinking of doing some corridor sections with stairs too just to add to the multiple level options.

To further enhance the multiple levels I have also put together these two pieces.  Don’t let the simple shape fool you, I have not completely lost it.  These are not giant dice either.  So what are they for you ask?

These next few pictures demonstrate how they can support multiple levels.  Simply put, these let me turn any piece into a second floor piece.  I will throw a few more together obviously for the larger pieces and to let me have entire lengths of corridor that span distances.

A pretty short update today, but hopefully still inspirational.  This year has been a bit sporadic due to busy periods at work but I still managed to keep it more or less current for the regular readers.  My next update will likely see my year in review, including my shameful lack of achieving hobby goals.  Happy New Year in the interim.

Diversity is the key to success

Or at least I was led to believe from the Economics sections in my sociology courses.  I have had a bit of time to work and I am hammering away on a few different projects.  I realize I have quite a few half-finished projects so I am trying to finish them.  Today is brought to you by WIP-Inc and the letter W.

Thund Bloodwrack by Reaper Miniatures.

Thund Bloodwrack by Reaper Miniatures.

Previously shown as an example of a new tattoo technique I was trying, I figured I would finish him off.  This barbarian’s pose is very striking.  I see in the giant photo of shame that I need to do more washes to make his skin more natural and his muscles to pop more.  What I have done is thrown some highlights onto his sword.  I want a black sword with a hint of green reminiscent of uranium.

I am actually amazed how similar he is to one of my favorite old RPG characters – Barghev.  The only thing he needs are 3 more axes and shaggy hair and beard.  If I decide to get another one for this project, I will go in depth on the character on a later post.

But, he is a character I will never play again.  The campaign world was in a system designed by our GM.  Whenever he came out with a revision, he fast-forwarded a few hundred years so we were forced to make new characters.  As consolation, this character eventually became a god of death…for goblins, but a god none the less.  Something to do with destroying several thousand over the course of game sessions all by his own hand.

Fly Demon by Reaper Miniatures

Fly Demon by Reaper Miniatures

Fly Demon by Reaper Miniatures

Fly Demon by Reaper Miniatures

Also on the block of newly started figures is this creepy little guy.

I did up the fly very simply with wet-blending and highlights while I was waiting on something else.  The eyes are obviously just blocked out at this time, I am not sure if I want to try painting on a whole bunch of tiny dots to show the faceted eyes.  The wings will go for a green-tinted white, darker green on the veins.

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon

Hirst Arts Modular Dungeon

Also new on the workbench is a new dungeon module for Dungeon Down.  Most of my free time has been dedicated to updating the card backs, adding a few new cards and building some foam-core board sections.  Why you ask?  Simple – Christmas gifts.  Two versions of the game have been given out, one for the couple who we regularly play with, and a second to a very close friend who I am certain will enjoy it.  If nothing else he has a new use for his eclectic miniatures collection.

For this latest piece (and a few more I have in mind), I am playing more with multi-level sections.  I will also make up a few bases to raise up sections to the second story when required.  The stairs and bookshelf aren’t attached yet for ease of painting and this section still needs the walls for the second level to be laid down.  Overall, I think it looks very striking and the forced route of movement will make it more challenging for combat.

By the power of half-painted Grey Skull...I HAVE THE POWER.

By the power of half-painted Grey Skull…I HAVE half THE POWER.

This update saw a little bit of everything.  I figure since my hobby time has been in short supply for a while, the variety of projects will be refreshing, and gives me a chance to work on several things at once.  Hopefully something inspired you today, if nothing else, to seek out those figures that have meaning and paint them up.